Monday, July 5, 2010

I Have A Story To Tell

I have a story to tell, will you have a sit for a spell?

Here in this very place we are tonight, tragedy struck, what a sight.
A balladeer came into our camp, and let me tell you she was a scamp.
Very well did she play that guitar, I must say,  But who knows what became of her car.
Everyone wanted to know her story to be sure, and at last she did say, "okay sure!"

I Have a story to tell but remember you did ask, so let me be about my task.

As I was coming up the road to the camp grounds, I began hearing some strange sounds.

Seriously!  I did stop and get out for but a moment, and smelled the foulest of scent.
"This cannot be good."  I said to myself and paid my admission, pulling tightly my hood.
Oh the attendant did not seem to notice the smell, even though it smelled like this side of hell.
Retching and almost losing my cookies, I stopped again and took a little lookie.
Yes!  There was the source of the foul smell.  Someone did not put out their Pell Mell.

To my surprise, much to my fright!  The attendant came up behind me and we began to fight.
Ouch!  He jabbed me in the eye, and it's kinda funny cause soon he'll have a stye.

Things got weird after that, and I had to use my taser upon his flat.
Every bone in his body did shake, and his gun I reflexively did take.
Lowering to the very nose of the creep, the barrel went off without a mere peep.
Lucky for me there was a silencer, and now there are more bullets to create more slaughter.

I Have A Story To Tell, but let me say before it ends, you are the final chapter and you didn't even yell. Next time you'd better remember not to be so friendly, and don't leave lying around your dirty old Pell Mell.

I must tell you, I really must say.  I escaped with my life but oh I really did pay.
The things she said just resonated in my mind, and those Pell Mell's soon did I upend, dead!
I come here every year now, hoping to see her again and with her have a pow wow.
For you see even though she was a good balladeer and a killer too, she saved my life and now I have to tell you my story has to end.  For now I really need a stick of gum, anybody got some?

 Copenator out!

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