Thursday, November 19, 2009

Distressed vs De-stressed

Distressed Versus De-Stressed
by Steve Cope
inspired by Images in Ink in the WDC
This world is at times so rubbery
Things just make so little sense like robbery.
What's up with that, how can it be conceived
And in the end of the event so many are peeved.

To what gain? To what end? Temporary cessation?
A momentary injection of liquid nerves, what purpose does it serve?
The commonality of it as astounding, in ever country, town and nation
Does one find another who feels this is what is owed them, what they deserve.

This world is at times oh so nosensical, like the logic switch is disconnected.
What is wrong and known to be so, is often done anyway, it just seems so disjointed.
Here, there, and everywhere one does confront such as this,
Brother let me say one day the world will reataliate with a hiss!

The snakes will defy logic and swim in the deep blue sea
Rather than sunning themselves in the limbs of a nice oak tree.
What was once up is now down and two way is no longer but one!
How strange things will be then and how odd the craziness be done.

What can be done to rein in this chaos that is imminently lurking nearby?
What path can we take that will lead to the opposite effects and allows us to lie
Quietly without a care of the world falling off it's axis
And the ordinary will return like paying your taxes?

What is the answer that we are looking for to keep the world together?
Watch and see what makes all our cares and concerns light as a feather.
A solution is within reach and on any given Sunday a pastor does preach
About the One who is in control, even when the world it seems is on the breach.

It often sounds so simple, so contrived, but you know it is true and that's the truth!
One Savior, one Lord, one King, one Creator, and one God who loves us one and all
The Word is full of such awesome displays of faith, just look at our sister Ruth.
Or how about that giant of a king who at times had it all and then many times did take a fall.

Listen to the plea of this your servant in Christ
One thing I did learn from this awful thing some call a heist.
As bad as it is, and the effects are still lingering even as this is addressed
At the cross, the Savior did in fact take all our burdens so we can become de-stressed.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Footprints Are One Now

The Footprints Are One Now

by Steve Cope


In Honor of Mom

Bettejean Adams

08-25-1926 to 02-01-2000


Taking to the

Heavenly realms

Ever seeking




Fuller understanding

Of God the Father.

On the beach the

Truth can be seen.

Precious experience


In the granular


That create the pattern

Similar to 


The Footprints


As made famous by another writer

Reaching as far as the

Eye can see in either direction.


The Footprints Are



Now, for Mom's

Earthly journey has drawn


Nearer to the heart of God.

Oh how there is pain at the loss,

Welling up with each heart beat, for


The Footprints Are One Now and the Savior has called Mom home.


 Dedicated to the memory of Mom in appreciation for the influence she had on nine children, nineteen grand children, and twenty-four great grand children.

Betty means "consecrated to God" Joshua 1:9

Jean means "God is gracious" Psalm 37:4


Thank You Father God for consecrating Your creation and for the Grace You so freely give to all who would believe.  Your children, Steve and Rhonda Cope, servants in Christ.  Amen.



Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sister of Mercy

Sister of Mercy

by Steve Cope


An Acrostic for a WDC angel


Singing a song of grace and peace

In the many venues on the WDC.

Seeing a need and meeting it

Through the kindness of others.

Etching hearts, minds, and souls with

Remembrances of prayers answered. 


Oh how amazing and wondrous is the Love of God

From the beginning until the end of time, the


Mighty Father has sought to have fellowship with His greatest creation.

Every step of the way His plan was set into motion;

Requiring the fulfillment of some 300 prophecies; the

Christ child was born and at last the plan of God kicked into high gear.

You see beloved Jesus was born so that He might die for the forgiveness of our sins, the


wonder of it all is that freely did He offer His life and now we can freely give to others as they have need, and Sister of Mercy is but one example of one who gives out of her abilities to bless others here on the WDC.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Friendship Is A Connection

Friendship Is A Connection


F riendship is a connection that

R epairs broken circuits of trust.

I n the toils, trials, tribulations too

E ach event is faced and overcome

N earby, or even alongside, another who cares and

D oes not mind getting into the middle of it all.

S haring a laugh in the midst of a turbulence

H elping another step over the mine fields

I n the middle of the night, and listening faithfully.

P reparing a meal in silence as a family grieves a loss.




I s intentional and must needs come with a risk.

S tretching beyond one's comfort zone in communication.


    Friendship Is


A lways worth the inherent risk for the reward is a bond that cannot be broken.


    Friendship Is A


C onstant even when it's not always convenient.  Being

O ne someone can call upon just to go putt a few greens with.

N ot sparing any feelings, correcting and encouraging as

N eeded, even when it hurts but in the

E nd results in the best for your friend.

C ome with me if you will and see

T wenty-three years ago a seed was planted

I n which the Lord spoke a word and set the wheels in motion.

O nly thing is, I was scared and unsure, but at last I took the risk

N eeded and boy has the reward been worth it for in 1987 my friend said "I do".


Friendship Is A Connection and transcends the hills, valleys, and rivulets that come along the way.  Friendship is a connection that all so often leads to the love of a lifetime, or a friendship that will forever stand the test of time.  Friendship.  What does it mean to you?


Friendship Is A Connection

by Steve Cope



Category: Friends


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

a continuation of Change Is Coming

by Steve Cope

a CPCCC Collab



Chimes making music in the wind

Can bring a smile to anyones face.

Gentle winds softly carressing my skin

I can but fall to my knees in awe akin


To a rapturous experience. The pace

Does build and my mind it does race.

I can feel the very fiber of the earth.

I want to sing a song with glee and mirth.


Leaves swirling with the dust devil that just blew in

Nature's dandruff in my hair

The sky filled with little flecks of gold in the sunlight

And the tinging of the chimes brings a feeling of such delight.


Oh gee, oh my gosh, could it be? I feel happy!

Change has come and spring has sprung,

The rains they are pouring down and the old is becoming new.

As I tumble in love with you end over end, with Rhonda dew.


Oh the earth, the sky, the moon and the stars

All have a new sheen about them, even the old beat up cars.

The lions, the tigers, and the bears, oh me!

Sauntering too and fro with their prides, cubs, and babies for all to see.


Stars twinkle in the heavens like winking eyes

The beauty of it all leaves my heart sighing .

How awesome, oh how marvelously pleasing

Is the change that has come over one and all.


Change is coming, it once was said and here now it be.

True it is there are still many hints of old man winter,

But as time goes by and the world ticks on over, you will see

The blossoms and the blooms will become new live and leaves and tree!


Change has come and it is our joy to see

The end of one season and the beginning of another.

It is how God planned it and in His perfect economy

Here and now it can officially be said, that Mother


Nature has heeded the words and stepped into the fore

Ready to blow the world away with March winds,

April Showers, May flowers, and June brides and bugs too!

Oh spring has sprung and what can it be, it appears that I am happy?


As deep as the ocean as wide as the sea
Love goes far deeper than skin
Please don't confuse me with my twin
It floats in our hearts and hovers above our souls within

And the season is upon us for new things to blossom

For new thing to bloom and old things to be renewed.

Oh darn, I forgot my AARP.

Oh well it'll come around again and then it will be as new as spring!


Change has come and Jesus is still the same

His love for us keeps Him forever interceeding for our name.

At the throne of God, He does petition, He does plea

Father forgive them, for they are my bleoved and you must surely see


In them the glee and the optimism that appears to be growing.

They sense that something has changed, and looking at the calendar

Oh now the know that change has come and their hope is bearing

Fruit. Haste be the angels dashing here and there, even up to Hallendar.


Everything is new and the chimes are making music in the air.

The wind is singing a refrain oh so clear, to the Spring we now must repair.

Thank You Lord for a renewed vigor, hope, and life

And if for but a day we can leave aside all the strife.


The Spring has come and to Austin we did drive

To see my star and her brother too, the Dynamic Duo from Cali.

Rhonda was there making it all complete for you see this spring a dream came true.

I get to say "I saw Amanda and Travis Marsh in concert." With Rhonda at my side my happiness is complete.


Spring has sprung.

Change has come.

Dreams have come true,

And Jesus, you must know loves you!


Thanks to the collabers who helped me continue Change Is Coming and cap it off with Spring Has Sprung.


(Cheryl) (sheila A) (seeturtle) budding artist (united majority) (Ev) and your servant in Christ, Copenator out!


An old church in downtown Austin 3-19-2009 had this in a garden setting. 

Monday, March 16, 2009

Purple Princess Eyes

Beloved this is the result of a challenge and while I did not pick a photo they offered I did submit this and I hope you like it.  Rhonda is that important to me.

Copenator out!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cookie Cutter

A Full Moon Thursday Picture Challenge 02-26-2009

Cookies are delicious

On the run or standing

Over the oven sneaking a bite.

Keeping one for your lady love

Is a romantic interlude, tis true.

Every bite and nibble precious.


Cookie for you, one for me too,

Unbeleivably warm and

Tasty, what more does one need?

Two glasses of milk please,

Even if it is a dirty glass, it's okay.

Right about now all you need is a


Cookie Cutter and a sheet pan. and soon you will have dessert in the round.

Copenator out!

P.S. If you don't move too much the rabbit will go to sleep, just don't eat the bottom one unless it's a fur bar you're looking for. hahahahahahahahah

As an added feature here is the Pic n Poem version for your viewing pleasure.



Friday, February 27, 2009



"The Executive" Spotlight Award Winner 02-21-2009 

“ The honorary duty of a human being is to love” -Maya Angelou

and this acrostic is about someone who knew how to love life and what she pursued.

The Executive

by Steve Cope

A Legacy Writers Wednesday Poet/Poetess Challenge


The Pryncessa Divine was an artist, poetess and one

Heck of a good person all around.  But did you know her

Educational goals were business related?

Every day, can you imagine, Pryncessa strolling into the office

'Xecuting executive orders with the greatest of 

Ease and flashing her smile that stops the world for a moment.

Capturing those she leads with the desire to push higher and further.

Unparalleled would her career be for she knew how 

To pursue a goal when it was presented.

In the experience of your servant in Christ, there was

Very little of that side she mentioned for her true calling in my mind was the

Ever amazing art and poetry she produced from her heart and soul.

and now unfortunately

The Executive has been silenced in life but her voice lives on in the memories and pictures she left behind on myspace and other venues she frequented while she loved her world and grew in her skills.

Serving Him by serving you

Copenator out,

servant in Christ.

His Servant Ministries.

Copenator Crew Leader

Learning to Cope, Words and Wisdom by Steve Cope 

Soft cover copy available from author for $5.00 plus shipping.  Each soft cover book become unique to the purchaser with a 27th page personalized to same.