Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sister of Mercy

Sister of Mercy

by Steve Cope


An Acrostic for a WDC angel


Singing a song of grace and peace

In the many venues on the WDC.

Seeing a need and meeting it

Through the kindness of others.

Etching hearts, minds, and souls with

Remembrances of prayers answered. 


Oh how amazing and wondrous is the Love of God

From the beginning until the end of time, the


Mighty Father has sought to have fellowship with His greatest creation.

Every step of the way His plan was set into motion;

Requiring the fulfillment of some 300 prophecies; the

Christ child was born and at last the plan of God kicked into high gear.

You see beloved Jesus was born so that He might die for the forgiveness of our sins, the


wonder of it all is that freely did He offer His life and now we can freely give to others as they have need, and Sister of Mercy is but one example of one who gives out of her abilities to bless others here on the WDC.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Friendship Is A Connection

Friendship Is A Connection


F riendship is a connection that

R epairs broken circuits of trust.

I n the toils, trials, tribulations too

E ach event is faced and overcome

N earby, or even alongside, another who cares and

D oes not mind getting into the middle of it all.

S haring a laugh in the midst of a turbulence

H elping another step over the mine fields

I n the middle of the night, and listening faithfully.

P reparing a meal in silence as a family grieves a loss.




I s intentional and must needs come with a risk.

S tretching beyond one's comfort zone in communication.


    Friendship Is


A lways worth the inherent risk for the reward is a bond that cannot be broken.


    Friendship Is A


C onstant even when it's not always convenient.  Being

O ne someone can call upon just to go putt a few greens with.

N ot sparing any feelings, correcting and encouraging as

N eeded, even when it hurts but in the

E nd results in the best for your friend.

C ome with me if you will and see

T wenty-three years ago a seed was planted

I n which the Lord spoke a word and set the wheels in motion.

O nly thing is, I was scared and unsure, but at last I took the risk

N eeded and boy has the reward been worth it for in 1987 my friend said "I do".


Friendship Is A Connection and transcends the hills, valleys, and rivulets that come along the way.  Friendship is a connection that all so often leads to the love of a lifetime, or a friendship that will forever stand the test of time.  Friendship.  What does it mean to you?


Friendship Is A Connection

by Steve Cope



Category: Friends