Thursday, November 19, 2009

Distressed vs De-stressed

Distressed Versus De-Stressed
by Steve Cope
inspired by Images in Ink in the WDC
This world is at times so rubbery
Things just make so little sense like robbery.
What's up with that, how can it be conceived
And in the end of the event so many are peeved.

To what gain? To what end? Temporary cessation?
A momentary injection of liquid nerves, what purpose does it serve?
The commonality of it as astounding, in ever country, town and nation
Does one find another who feels this is what is owed them, what they deserve.

This world is at times oh so nosensical, like the logic switch is disconnected.
What is wrong and known to be so, is often done anyway, it just seems so disjointed.
Here, there, and everywhere one does confront such as this,
Brother let me say one day the world will reataliate with a hiss!

The snakes will defy logic and swim in the deep blue sea
Rather than sunning themselves in the limbs of a nice oak tree.
What was once up is now down and two way is no longer but one!
How strange things will be then and how odd the craziness be done.

What can be done to rein in this chaos that is imminently lurking nearby?
What path can we take that will lead to the opposite effects and allows us to lie
Quietly without a care of the world falling off it's axis
And the ordinary will return like paying your taxes?

What is the answer that we are looking for to keep the world together?
Watch and see what makes all our cares and concerns light as a feather.
A solution is within reach and on any given Sunday a pastor does preach
About the One who is in control, even when the world it seems is on the breach.

It often sounds so simple, so contrived, but you know it is true and that's the truth!
One Savior, one Lord, one King, one Creator, and one God who loves us one and all
The Word is full of such awesome displays of faith, just look at our sister Ruth.
Or how about that giant of a king who at times had it all and then many times did take a fall.

Listen to the plea of this your servant in Christ
One thing I did learn from this awful thing some call a heist.
As bad as it is, and the effects are still lingering even as this is addressed
At the cross, the Savior did in fact take all our burdens so we can become de-stressed.

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