Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Bucket List Desire

A Bucket List Desire
by Steve Cope
CPC Saturday Share

Fly free with the wind  
A parachute to you I'll lend.
Lead the way wings feel, inspired
Come on let's do what we've aspired.

Dreaming of a skydiving trip,
The cord we will let 'er rip.
It's better to be safe than sorry
That's what daddy used to say

Fly free with the wind.
Let's set a whole new trend.
At last we are freed
To strive to succeed

Gee that was fun, oops, my stomach I just kneed.
Oh the pain has set in, Pepto's what I do need.
Apparently the thrill is gone from my aspiration.
I reckon we'll shelve that bit of inspiration.

Fly free with the wind,
To our bucket list we must tend.
Ah there's one!  Ride an elephant!
Off to the zoo we must go, don't be so jubilant!

There is nothing else on this trip you will need  
Except perhaps a flashlight and bandages indeed
Cause I hear they truly do stinketh,
And can really rub raw your derriere, it's gonna oucheth.

Ah the majesty, the splendor, the awesome size.
Oh no what is this?  My fear of heights could be my demise.
Who'd of thunk they were so high off the ground.
Look at all those ants running around.

Alas the Bucket List appears to be shorter now,
With the riding of an elephant my head will bow.
For truly the privilege is all ours to ride such mastadonian creatures,
With the highly intelligent and well seeing features.

Let's put this madness of ours to an end
Running against the wind in verdant green meadows of the glen
Type out our goodbyes and press send
Tears riding in the cyber wind

The Bucket List of things to do before our demise,
Will have to wait another day for now the sun does rise.
I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go.
Dreaming of one more line to scratch off the list don't you know.

Ringing up a stuffed elephant for a little girl,
Makes me more resolved that upon that elephant I will whirl.
A Halloween mask reminds me of another task,
Oh to once again be an actor on stage, with a very large cast.

Scribble, scribble, dribble I go,
Adding to the list, and losing a bit of my drink, oh no!
Let's fly free in the wind, if but for a little while longer,
Reminiscing about all the good we can do if to long we don't linger.

My Bucket List Desire compatriots include:  Cheryl, Diane, Sevenamagenta, Michelle K, Lost Souls, Glenn, Ev, Sheila a, Jules, and your servant in Christ Copenator out!

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