Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here And Now

Here and now our world is in turmoil.
Everywhere you look there is a leaking barrel of oil
Ripe for the pickings, the natural gas is being siphoned.
Even the blasts from previous sites, deters not the drilling impassioned.

A disaster of mega proportions, still effecting the shores.
No one wants to take the blame, and the people grow tired and snores.
Dear Lord, we need You more than we need Oil.
Nearer to You I do desire to draw, as tight as a coil.
Oh Lord touch the hearts of the greedy and fill the hearts of the needy.
With our resources thrown to the world at large, we miss our truly needy.

Here and Now let us draw a line in the "oil soaked" sand and take our land back from the depths of greed and avarice it has plummeted into.

Here and Now let us be united as a nation and find the proper ways to heal our broken shores and our aching national pride.

Here and Now let us fall upon our knees and pray for Israel, the United States of America, and let freedom ring again from sea to shining sea.

What will you do here and now?
On to my knees I can but fall.
Needing the heart cry to be heard.
Take oh Lord our labors and let them bear fruit.

You, who read this, who turn away before you reach this line.
On you the survival of our nation depends.  The survival of the world indeed.
Unafraid we must be and declare for the world to hear.

Stand up and make our presence known.
Take up the Cross and carry it into every town.
Adjure the people to repent and turn from their sins.
No, beloved, it is not an exclusive concept but His love is all inclusive.
Dip into the strength that we've always had through learning.  

I ask you, I implore you, beg of you here and now, won't you stand?

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